Have your brain ready, thanks.




What"s on my mind lately

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Music invades

posted on 30th day of November, 2005

For those who don't know, I have acquired an iPod to add to my inventory. That is not any scaled down version of iPod such as the nano or the shuffle, it is the regular iPod. The regular iPod has come to its fifth generation and is capable of playing music, showing photos and playing videos.

One might argue that an iPod is unnecessary. Yeah, I believe so. Without an iPod, my life will not make a big difference.

No matter how many more features are added to the iPod, its primary function as a music player can hardly change in the foreseeable future. (Here, foreseeable, as used in the field of computer technologies, means one year or two.) I use it primary as a music player, too. The past two weeks, I almost immersed myself in the music while I work in the computer laboratory, effectively keeping me away from the hassles that I do not want to get involved with. To some, I am totally a geek who is only trying to show off and whose music enthusiasm will not last. Me, myself, see it as a little white box that brings tranquility and sanity to me for a while and to share with other stuff that I like.

This box by itself is meaningless... "it is merely light and wires in a box".

I do not like to quote music lyrics in weblogs, because quoting music lyrics don't generally convey any special meaning to other readers. However, at this excellent opportunity of the season of music, I think I might want to do this occasionally. This song is Silence by Gomez, which the song is used in the movie Robots.

I've been caught in a trap I set for myself
I don't want to be here when you could be somewhere else
So why'd I sit on my hands like a book on a shelf
Where only the dust is falling?
Everyone 'round here lives in silence

If I had something to say I'd say what I mean
How'd you lose all your words? I swear it's obscene, I curse
How'd you look at yourself as the mirror turns green?
Yeah, only the fools ignore us
Everyone 'round here lives in silence

I could wait all my life for someone to think
I can't open your eyes but I can make you blink at me
So please don't try to be nice, don't need your advice
Please leave me to die of boredom
Everyone 'round here lives in silence

Silence... they wait for the end
Silence... they bow and they bend
Silence... their homes they defend

Monday, November 28, 2005

FreeBSD's mascot

posted on 28th day of November, 2005

FreeBSD is an operating system of the UNIX-variants. Machines run by this operating system are used across the Internet to serve millions of visitors year round. I am sure you accessed some of them. The point here is not advocating a certain operating system but to talk about its mascot.

FreeBSD's mascot has always been the BSD Daemon. The daemon does not have a name officially, but you may call it beastie, which is pronounced "BSD". A daemon, in UNIX terminology, is a program that runs in the background, and usually does not require interactive human intervention to work properly. As soon as a system starts, daemons come into play and begin providing service to local or remote users alike until the system shuts down.

Many would have thought daemons are related to evilness because of its resemblance to the word "demon". This is a common misunderstanding.

"Many people equate the word ``daemon'' with the word ``demon,'' implying some kind of Satanic connection between UNIX and the underworld. This is an egregious misunderstanding. ``Daemon'' is actually a much older form of ``demon''; daemons have no particular bias towards good or evil, but rather serve to help define a person's character or personality. The ancient Greeks' concept of a ``personal daemon'' was similar to the modern concept of a ``guardian angel'' --- ``eudaemonia'' is the state of being helped or protected by a kindly spirit."

- p403 Unix System Administration Handbook

To recap, daemons are like guardian angels, helping, guiding and protecting a particular person. The concept is amazing but yet difficult to be understood by human kind: How can one stay unbiased to guide a particular person to what he/she truly is?

Even daemon as a computer program asks for computing resource such as processor power and memory. It would be unrealistic to expect a human being to serve without him asking for any return. A computer program could starve to death, so do human. Humans do not eat computer memory as food. Rather, we depend on something we desperately desire.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Posted on the 23rd day of November, 2005

If I cannot get the other two, I will not play the game.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Five weeks to Christmas

posted on the 21st day of November, 2005

Has anyone noticed that it is just five weeks to Christmas?

"A toast,
An affirmation,
A prayer of thanks,
I want you to know that wherever we find ourselves in this world,
Whatever our successes,
or failures,
Come this time of year,
you will always have a place at my table...
and a place in my heart."
- from Latter Days.

As always, magic happens.



  1. 踏單車出元朗。
  2. 朱熙說麥記再出 shake shake 薯條,在大馬路麥記試食,感覺普通。
  3. 原本計劃坐 268B 出尖沙咀,不過剛走了一班車,轉坐 68M。
  4. 大欖隧道轉車站巧遇 Jonan,他是上年同層宿生,在天水圍爬步後坐車回威院宿舍休息。
  5. 轉坐 268B 繼續出尖沙咀。
  6. 在星光行買東西,經過兩次星巴克都沒有進去,只因為肚子不適。 
  7. 往尖沙咀地鐵站,坐荃灣綫到深水埗站。
  8. 在黃金商場繼續消費。
  9. 大概二時四十分,盤算應坐大埔道巴士還是地鐵火車,我想地鐵火車時間較穩定吧!
  10. 進入深水埗站月台,往中環的列車剛開出,苦等四分鐘。
  11. 過了太子站,才發現忘記轉車,在旺角站搜索往上層月台樓梯,那條樓梯正是為失魂的乘客而設。
  12. 觀塘綫旺角往九龍塘,有位坐,好開心。
  13. 由地鐵衝往東鐵北行線月台,剛好登上列車,是九鐵的「新」車廂,有位坐,更開心。
  14. 步出大學火車站,登上校巴,有校外人仕問車費是否五元,司機說:「一蚊就得啦。」
  15. 校巴上,一位護理系同學興高彩烈大談一些醫療過程,「血」字出現了無數次。
  16. 到達了 924 看了看同學的成果,想一想自己的成果,無言以對,假扮回宿舍。
  17. 到五樓,放東西入儲物箱。
  18. 經過二期,EMO 路,何草,真的回到了宿舍。
  19. 換了更舒服的短褲,放下電腦,又再離開。
  20. 登上一列往大埔墟的列車,感覺就像明知一件東西快要失去,但又要強行擁有。
  21. 到達大埔墟,轉了一列往上水的列車。新車,好靜,感覺很快。
  22. 離開車站後往上水廣場,上肯德基等紀紀。
  23. 很無聊,去隔壁的百老匯試 Nokia N70,感覺比以往的 Symbian Phone 快,很好,價錢也很高。
  24. 與紀紀食飯和吹水。昨天在同一地點留下紙袋一個,今天取回。
  25. 紀紀陪我到處逛,還送我到巴士站。
  26. 坐 276P,在巴士上睡著了。
  27. 在元朗繼續逛,繼續消費。
  28. 踏單車回家。





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選擇本已是很頭痛的事,更頭痛的是我也是被他人選擇中。報大學是一門很高深的學問,能夠過五關斬六將之後,入得其門已是一件了不起的事,也不需要甚麼考試考核了。須知道本人學業差,一下子肥了 academic advisor 的科目,怎好意思找他推薦?就算自己入得了,都不知道自己想怎樣,追求甚麼知識?勁過頹過?其實連外國都不是太想去,報來做甚麼東東?放棄,絕對是比較容易。





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今個星期的主題乃是 CSC5340,活動繼有星期三拿中期考試成績,而及一整個星期趕功課。那個四人功課其實只有兩個人在做,我不計算在內。星期五,交功課的一天,我才懂得怎樣幫手做,在朱熙和陳香港所建立的基礎加一點點程序上去。

子午過後,終於「做完」了,半睡半做了一天,午飯也忘了去吃。難以忍受 924 裡的人和事,獨自去花園仔休息。天氣仍舊很冷,整理一下已經變成一堆難纏的思路,想想想,發現又要面對選擇的問題。我寧願天氣冷壞了腦袋,不用在胡思亂想,那多好。


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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Posted on the 17th day of November, 2005

Turn out the weblog I posted on the 13th has caused a disturbance. I have thought, as I have previously mentioned, the weblog was meant to be for a small group of friends, that may be a singleton with me in it. I keep track of the visitors who come to my site so I can well assure everyone here that the weblog is by no means "public".

Nevertheless, after a review of the article I posted, I fear I have deliberately attacked a public figure yet a college mate. I do apologise for the use of language and the way the article has been presented. Though I have no intention at the moment to withdraw the posted article, which most parts I still believe in.

I considered the description of the person in the event fairly accurate. With or without the affected person's comment in the cyberspace, I believe my description would hardly change. The reason I posted that article was to illustrate the importance of due process, especially for a self-governed student organisation of higher education in Hong Kong.

Once again, I send my deepest regret to the person concerned.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Posted on the 16th day of November, 2005

Lazy cat.

Sunday, November 13, 2005







一直以來都避免在網上留言訴說會內討論事項,因為相信這裡大部份的朋友都對所謂的橡皮圖章沒有興趣,但今次實在忍不住在這裡說三道四。話說六七月起崇基學生會幹事要求購買 DV 攝錄機去作活動紀錄,或借出與同學使用,他們當初要求動用基金 $9900,接著因在席會眾認為太貴而被否決。八月,我記得我放棄了和同學共聚的時光,又跑又趕回到中大開會通過動用基金,回來之後被通知當天不會通過這個項目,因為會長同學急於使用,自資四千多元購買一部較便宜的。這樣一拖,就拖到十一月。拖,乃是代表會的特色。

今時今日,幹事會要求為那個衝紅燈的決定追認,會長擺出生米煮成熟飯的姿態,大概的語氣就是:「我俾錢買左啦喎!你唔係唔通過呀嘛?」這樣的語氣使我有一種「一把掌車埋去」的衝動。其實,買 DV 機我沒有甚麼所謂,問題只是程序吧了!我不喜歡你們將被否決的的事項完封不動再來討論,我不喜歡你們以為你們做的事我們要通過。在會長以為自己為同學大哂的同時,我就懶得破壞我的形象來與他們爭辯,不竟,這位是一個不可理喻的哲學系同學。看著他,我想我可以用田北辰來到比喻他的低能。

另外,今個星期喝了一杯 Decaf triple tall caramel latte,一杯又苦又甜,飲完會眼瞓的咖啡。

我想我可以做的都做了,無論如何,我只是一位 mashed potato(即是被壓碎了的 small potato),跟本做不到甚麼,也不應該做甚麼。教?不敢當。可以希望的,就只有前面的路平坦一點,走少一點彎路。


剛剛有朋友說,一般男仔的腦可能是有 defect 的,少了一點部份。這很可笑,亦與我一向以為的吻合。我想,就讓那個腦袋繼續有 defect 吧!因為這樣的腦袋可能簡單一點,生活簡單一點,或許會更開心,不是很多人說過開心最重要嗎?


A man once asked God, "God, why did you make woman so beautiful?"
"So you would love her." God answered.
"But God," the man asked, "Why did you make her so dumb?"
God replied, "So she would love you."


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星期四再往香港考試及評核局考 TOEFL,分數約為 223 - 277,如果文章寫得好的話便有 277,比起上一次的成績提升了七點。我不知道這七點代表了甚麼。向好的方面想,我的英語維持在以往的水平,用另一方面去想,我的英語停滯不前。那個分數還未定案,擔心的是,我的文章比上次寫得差。








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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Week 44 of 2005

The 31st day of October to the 5th day of November

I hate writing weblogs weekly. An article for a whole week will be too long if I put everything in, and it wouldn't be detail enough if it is short. I am sure I have lost lots of details that I would have included them if I am given the time to write every day. To look at the bright side, it's okay that those details are lost, because those details I forgot to mention here, are also those unimportant ones.

Nevertheless, last week was a busy one. Heidi said it was going to be a deadly week. For me, now, the deadly week has gone. Here comes the deadly month.

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《色慾都市》Sex and the City 是一套在紐約市拍攝的電視劇,講述專欄作家 Carrie Bradshaw 和她的三個女性朋友的趣事。

有一集說到 Carrie 被 Dolce & Gabbana 挑中,邀請她在一個時裝表演做模特兒。聽到這個消息又驚又喜,她決定參加,只因為表演後她可以留下她穿的時裝。





Here comes the original wording,

"I had a choice. I could slink off the runway and let my inner-model die of shame, or I could pick myself up, flaws and all and finish.

"and that's just what I did, because when real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep on walking."

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今個星期五要做書通的報告,浦開始準備就已經決定了用 Apple Keynote,所以帶了 Mac mini 回中大,它就連續五晚在我的儲物櫃裡過夜。因為只有電腦的本身,要另外接駁滑鼠、鍵盤和顯示器,因此佔用了魚皮慣常使用的自閉位,不好意思哦!


其實要用 Mac mini 和 Keynote 是很麻煩的事,或許會有人認為我多餘,攞黎衰,那些電腦也都是 Turing Machine 而已可以做到相同的事情。我想,Mac 其中一個吸引的地方,就是你可以用較少的時間較少的功夫去做同一件事,甚至比起原本更為美觀。

我不得不承應買 Mac 的其中一個原因是因為它很美。其他人來問這個是甚麼,說這個很美的時候,我很高興,好像感到飄飄然。不過想清楚之後,這個讚美其實與本人無關。電腦只是一件工具,它本身沒有創造能力的。在自己對其他人的生命指指點點的時候,自己也有自己的問題。


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