Have your brain ready, thanks.




What"s on my mind lately

Sunday, July 31, 2005






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- www.cinema.com.hk

Friday, July 29, 2005

The 28th day of July, 2005

My last entry was talking about keeping fit. The first meal I have today was nothing other than the greasy McDoanld's Big Mac meal served with Coca-Cola McFloat and fries. (I have already exercised restraint by not ordering the Chicken Wings)

It's so boring sitting here at home, you know, so I decided to do something for a change, which usually means one thing: Movies!

I knew that Robots the movie is out a long time ago in the America, but it's the first day they show the film in Hong Kong. As a general rule if a movie is originally narrated in English, I will go to watch the English version. For Broadway Circuit, only the Cinematheque shows animated features in English (until recently do they show them in Palace IFC as well). That's right, going straight from Yuen Long to Yau Ma Tei to watch a movie, alone, which is what most people regard as crazy.

Robots is a movie talking about a young inventor (who himself is a robot) going to the big Robot City. As with any animated movie, it can be boring for any grown up to see it... it's always the same kind of story, blah blah blah... The theme is always one of these or those, and they certainly lack the "action". This movie is about a dream to fulfill. And no matter what you are made of, you can shine like the many others. It's these movies that touch people's life and give the magic to those who like to dream. Of course, if you enjoy movies of a more popular nature, you can always buy another ticket and see them across the hall.

... but a dream that you don't fight for, can haunt you for the rest of your life.

As always, I like the computer graphics from Pixar a lot more than the other studios. But this is nevertheless a good one.

The excitement of the day ended right there.

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It's happy to know that people are quoting my weblog. Two secondary schoolmates of mine quoted respectively my entry about KCR's newsline and the supermarket. Thank you so much.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


If a picture's worth a thousand words,
in this case, these pictures are worth a thousand F-words.


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放假後,甚麼也不用做,自然心廣體胖。這幾天大部份時間坐在電腦旁,總覺得坐起來肚子像有東西頂著的。看見三條大車胎,不妙,心裏大叫:「我要 keep fit!!」(唔准笑。話時話大家有乜野建議?)


Tuesday, July 26, 2005




馬(馬會職員) 我(咪就係我囉)

六合彩為何要變得這麼複雜呢?其實隨意讓人買電腦票,或選幾個好碼就足夠啦。香港人可不可以簡單少少?在紐約曾經買彩票,遊戲叫 Mega Millions。這個遊戲的知名度很高,曾有「撲必」書的問題問這個遊戲中獎的機會率,令我十分驚訝。每張彩票要一美元,我買的時候,如果中頭獎一注派彩二億五千萬美元,是今次六合彩派彩的四十四倍。

在實驗室裏見到張嘉峰同學,既然沒有特別的事做,又不想太快回家,決定在這裡待一下。他做的是接回來的程式編寫工作,而我就在旁邊搾灘,漸覺自己是一個很可惡的無業遊民。其實我可做的工作不少,可是又提不起勁。今日最白痴的事是在自己的 FreeBSD 作業系統裝 Apache 2.1,弄了很久很久都出錯,隔一兩個小時才發現已裝 Apache 2.0。向好的方面想,是有所得著的,最少開過 Makefile 看裏面是甚麼東東。檯上有一本剛剛從大學圖書館借回來的 Code Complete,好厚,一看到封面就想睡,還是把書留在家裏,慢慢培養感情。總結今天十分頹廢。

在 Coffee Corner ,三個不同年級的同學共進晚餐,大談將來的工作、將來想怎樣。三年級的覺得自己二年級時已應想想將來,二年級的覺得一年級時已應想想將來。一年級的現在正想將來要怎樣,反而被另外兩位說他太早了,遲下吧。

這邊廂兩位計科生在 924 靜靜地工作,那邊廂的 904 十分熱鬧,舉行 ACM 青檸。這個與我無關的地方,不敢久留,做完應做的事就走了。那邊廂的人努力 ACM,回到這邊廂有計工的 Frog 同學努力 FYP。



Monday, July 25, 2005





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It certainly has been great. Everything seems building up and we are in the right track. Don't worry, we will never derail. We will achieve great things. The problem is, we don't seem on the same page on how much we want to achieve. Is it a quest to attain the highest possible result? Surely everyone want to get the best of all worlds, but it's sure that everyone can't. Now it's pressing. If you would want to achieve great things, aim higher, we have to work harder, and that means we together will pay much more time in this. And we will outwit the others.

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I feel so bad today. Actually, I don't know what makes me feel bad because so much has happened today. Is it because of the project discussion? or not having a good sleep? or the gathering(s)? At that particular time I was in the deserted laboratory, trying to catch a nap at the back row, thinking like I am abandon, feeling alone.

I don't want to have that feeling. I am not sure whether I feel like that, at least I cannot conclude that and say it into words. It has been one of my greatest fear that someone, someone will discover this feeling. Then I'm sure someone will truly leave me.

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完成工作後,到銅鑼灣一個叫 Cafe Inn 的樓上咖啡店,與中同聚舊。一到達就要接受認人的考驗,記性極差的我當然是失敗啦。我們一直在談中學往事,甚麼人甚麼事大家都記得一清二楚,講到四五點才走,辛苦了在場看鋪的人。很想念中學時的簡單生活,又回想起中學時自己好低能。

原來晚上 276 收車後,會行深夜的 N968 來回元朗銅鑼灣,收費 31 元。離開時與朋友總結幾個月來的經驗,結論是停滯不前。我們再談了一些樓盤的笑話,聽說有地產商的新樓盤叫煙肉山峰,the name is very beautiful。

Saturday, July 23, 2005


(今天的內容因為 xanga 的錯誤而失去了,因為太灰的關係亦不打算補回。今天的主要內容為到了香港書展,看書看人,計有在會場裏遇到 中大學生會會長黃漢邦,回家時遇到中學師弟妹。回家路上被一個好搞笑的師弟寸,再討論了一下學校更況。)

Friday, July 22, 2005

The 21st day of July, 2005

This weblog is approaching its 1-month anniversary. I have added so far 20 entries to this blog, including this one, with each entry having considerable length. While it's happy to keeping this weblog a habit for quite some time (in fact, it's the oldest weblog that I have kept), the time to rethink the whole idea has come.

Having a weblog up and online has certainly been one of my top entries in the To Do list. The reasons why are what I am uncertain about. Nevertheless, it doesn't always has to be a reason to do something, does it?

The problem of having a weblog, that I have long suspected, is that this is kind of a one-way communication channel. I don't know what you guys think about everything that I wrote unless you write a little note in the comments section.

And that's why I would like to ask for everyone's opinion in my weblog, so to keep me going the right way. What do you think about everything? Are the entries too long, too short? Are they too boring, too clumsy?

I do realise it is too much to ask for, especially when everyone is so busy. How about a little sign on?

I am desparate to know who are visiting. To tell me that you are here, just sign on your xanga account before you browse my weblog. In this way, the website could notify me who is visiting.

Thanks a lot.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


上午四時、未天光的時間已經睡醒,不能入睡,可能是前晚太早上床,又或者想得太多。終於申請 wonderfuland newsgroup 成功,又完成一件事情。為了避免增添一天頹廢的日子,決心八時出門,回中大 Coffee Corner 品嘗久違了的早餐。




在大學圖書館借了一本 Microsoft Windows Internals,應該是一本好勁的書,從沒有人借過。希望不會六星期後原封不動退會圖書館。之後發現活動的出版部和行政部都有會開,順道坐會,看他們在搞甚麼東東。我就即管扮 Morgan Stanley 給予一個審慎觀望的評級,再講一些直通耳仔的說話。

打算去旺電、高登、黃金看一些叫 Mini-ITX 的東東,以為三大電腦商場一定有,可惜找不到,花了兩個小時的結論是:香港人唔用 Mini-ITX、香港人唔知乜野係 Mini-ITX、香港人以為 Micro-ITX 已經係最細(、又或者朱熙的結論--香港多地呀,使乜用 Mini-ITX)。

返屋企,一上 68X 就發現做錯一件事:入輔幣,忘記了用八達通才可以轉車。一出大纜就後悔了:大雨、狂風雷暴,是未見過的天氣惡劣。最後花了三十大元坐的士,還要間水步行鄉村小路回家。各位九龍香港新界東的朋友們,是否覺得風平浪靜呢?我不怪大家,因為座落九龍區的天文台都覺得風平浪靜,不知道元朗橫風橫雨。


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Madagascar, revisited.

Spoiler warning. Little mention to the plot, though.

I was wrong about the Central Park Zoo. There is indeed a zoo in Central Park but I have never been there. It is okay that I don't know that right? Provided that the park is so huge.

Skipper: What continent is this?
Marty: Manhattan.
Gloria: Well, I heard they have wild open spaces in Connecticut.
Marty: Connecticut?
Melman: Yeah, what you got to do, you got to go over to Grand Central, and then you got to take the MetroNorth train, north?
Marty: So one could take the train. Just hypothetically.
Alex: Marty, come on! What would Connecticut have to offer us?

The song Alex and Marty sing is New York, New York.

Start spreading the news.
I'm leaving today
We are a great big part of it,
New York, New York

Marty skiied at what appreantly the Rockefeller Center.

The animals take the subway at 59 St station. The Lexington Avenue 4, 5, 6 trains serve this station, but they don't run on the same track. Usually, the express trains and local trains use separate platforms. The express trains skip some stations en route. They took the 4 train, which is an express.

Outside the train compartment is an American flag shown under the car number, which is the same as the real trains. Features that match the real trains are the door close chimes and priority seating label on seats. The subway map in the train is not placed that way, and the subway map is not the real subway map.

The train announcement isn't clear, which is usually the case.

Most subway stations have tile arts. The station name is often made with little tiles put together.

Grand Central Station/42 St, has the 4, 5, 6, 7 and S trains. Just not on the same platform.

At the information booth in the Grand Central Terminal, there are signs showing the name of Metropolitan Transportation Authority and its logo. MTA is the state agency in charge of the Transit and MetroNorth.

Alex: This is the fun side! This is the fun side. We are going to have a great time surviving until we go home. I love this side. This side is the best. That side's stinks. You are on the Jersey side...

Do you notice the music of National Geographic and Dead Already from American Beauty?





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「天文台表示,下午氣溫將升至 34 度,是今年最熱的一日,高溫天氣預計會持續到,本周中期。」


乘地鐵往美孚轉乘西鐵,在地鐵月台上發現一些嘔吐物。素聞地鐵清潔效率甚高(註一),於是決定往當值室通知地鐵職員。多管這件閒事,是因為知道地鐵職員會即時處理,結果他們真的即時找工有清潔。地鐵的無微不至,與 Apple Store 的一樣,吸引我的目光。


Sunday, July 17, 2005

The 17th day of July, 2005

I still have not fully recovered. The jet lag and early morning wake up in these two days are killing me. Coming back at night... tired... sleepy... yet I have to stand up in trains, and ride bicycle to home. I just don't know why people can still play in games centre after days of work.

I spot subtle changes everywhere... the KCR trains are getting news broadcast in compartment, new roads in the university... Friends seem different, too, but I just don't know what they have changed... or are they really changed?

It's good to know some people still remember me and care about me. Thank you guys.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The 15th day of July 2005

My in-flight entertainment was "The Da Vinci Code" written by Dan Brown, lent by Justin Yip (Thanks). I finally finished it and I have to admitted it is indeed a good book. The author is truely inspiring and he is good at misleading readers into thinking ___ is ___. (You know what I am talking about if you read the book!) There was surprises all over the places... Actually, I think the plot is more or less similiar to the American movie "National Treasure". Surely enough one cannot include so much details in a movie than one could include in a book. Let's see what will happen when the movie version comes out: I think they will be very similiar.

When the plane was in the sky above Taipei, I walked to the cabin door and I saw the magnificiant view underneath: It was dark, and the sky was clear. I can see directly to the roads and houses on the ground. Of course, I cannot see each individual houses, I can see the lights emerging from the them. The tiny dots joined to compose a beautiful picture. I chat with the flight attendant while looking outside. I said the view is like stars scattered on the ground. She agreed. I think of the lyrics of "Somewhere Out There", which is very suitable for that very moment.

Leaving the airport, I feel relax... oops... I should have say hot... nevertheless I feel good.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The 11th day of July 2005

(Eastern Standard Time) at Buffalo, NY

I watched Madagascar today at a local AMC theatres. Dreamworks carries on the humour and quality of Sherk in Madagascar. It is really a movie about New Yorkers. If you watched the movie in English version, you should spot a few things that are so local to New York City and its residents. It's a pretty good movie and it's worthwhile to spend 5 bucks to watch it because I can see creativity and hard work in the movie. I don't go to see a movie because it is popular. That's why I don't want to spend a dime to see the movie of the name starting with the letter D.

After that, I took a quick peek at downtown Buffalo around 9 o'clock. The city seems deserted and I don't think it will be a lot better in the day. Anyway, I will be leaving Buffalo and go back to New York City tomorrow. I will be back to Hong Kong on the 15th.

"Come on, we are New Yorkers, right? We are tough, we are greedy, we are adaptable."- Madagascar

Monday, July 11, 2005




離開多倫多前,去了多倫多最出名的景點──CN Tower。CN Tower 是全球最高的 freestanding structure,是我在加拿大最喜歡到的地方。可惜上瞭望台要二十加元,是十分搶錢的玩意。上到去,除了好高之外沒有甚麼特別,不知到為甚麼又好喜歡。除了好高好高之外,上面有一部份地板是玻璃的 (Glass Floor),可以直望四百米下的地面。兩次來這裡都不敢走過去,其實自己都幾怕高。


幾日經過 QEW、404、I-290 等公路。公路編號、出口編號十分重要,只是在香港太細,編號沒有效用而已。


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驚見 5A 學生要入 CS,希望這為準同學不要好像我們的 3A+2E 同學一樣,無啦啦叫我為左 minor,建議我 extend 一年。(no offend here!)



趁著哥哥的週末假期往多倫多探視姑媽。多倫多距離水牛城車程是 2.5 小時/190 公里,如果不用繞過安大略湖,車程更短。在這裡可見 Google Maps、Yahoo! Maps 何等重要,完整的路線圖一下就顯示出來。三年前曾去多倫多,行車路線大概都記得。過境後,甚少紐約州來的車,突感自己坐的車在公路上十分礙眼。

到達 Scarborough,到附近一個唐人商場行街。商場裏有盡廣東上海北京的美食,附近的人說的都是廣東話,完全不需使用英語。到匯豐銀行提款,除了提出來的是加元之外,其餘的都與香港沒有分別(招牌是中英文的)。附近還有三聯書店、眼鏡 88 和少不得的麥當勞,整過香港一下子搬了過來。口喝了,買了一杯朱古力珍珠奶茶。超市裏有屯門建旺街出品的紙包飲品。正在香港播映的電視劇這裡已有 VCD。其實外國甚麼都有,不要以為這是荒蕪之地。



Saturday, July 09, 2005





雖然大瀑布可謂兩國共同擁有,但由於水大致是從美國流向加拿大的,因此從加拿大那邊才可以看到整個瀑布的景觀。看到瀑布,想起剛過去的 CSC3260 的功課,朱熙做的瀑布實在太靚,都現在都不知到他怎樣做。晚上十時在瀑布旁有煙花表演,雖然煙花很好看,不過看慣了香港的煙花匯演,有點點悶。(煙花是 CSC3260 再上一年的功課。)


Thursday, July 07, 2005

The 6th day of July 2005

(Eastern Standard Time) at Buffalo, NY

I flew JetBlue, which is a relatively new, low-cost, American airline. You guys in Hong Kong might not be familiar with this company. This company is growing rapidly not solely because of its cheap air fares, but comfortable seating, excellent in-flight entertainment (30+ channels to choose from) as well. In a nutshell, they appear not aiming at riping money off each passengers' pocket, and i like it. The aircraft looks great (from the outside, at a distance).

Except a two hours delay at JFK and 30 minutes wait to take off, the flight has been great.

I'm now at Buffalo, New York.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The 5th day of July, 2005

(Eastern Standard Time) at New York City

Don't worry. This is not yet a photoblog.

Federal Hall National Memorial
New York Stock Exchange
Trinity Church
World Trade Center Site
Wall Street Bull
Metrocard Turnstile
Brooklyn Bridge
Empire State Building ("Empire State" is New York's nickname.)
Grand Central Terminal

Yeah... I visited all these places on the same day... in just 4 hours, most of the time spent on walking and taking subway.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


(美國東岸時間)美國獨立紀念日 於紐約市


紐約市地鐵和巴士都由大都會運輸局管理(一個很老套的名字)。無論到那裏,每程統一收兩美元。現在電子車票大行其道,紐約都有她的電子車票,叫 Metrocard。使用時並不方便,乘客要用適當的速度將車票擦過讀咭機才會成功。這個設計剛好分辨出哪位是初到此地的遊客。

地鐵無論是車站車廂,都顯得十分殘舊。地底車站沒有冷氣,而且日久失修,好像隨時會倒塌。香港的地鐵除了沒有二十四小時服務外,多方面都勝於紐約的地鐵。指示也不太清楚,打算到 Downtown Manhatten,結果搭錯車到了 Brooklyn。

行程最重要的一站是位於蘇豪區的 Apple Store。我最想看的不是電腦,是整間店鋪的設計。只是一間 Apple Store 就已經佔據一座兩層高的古老樓宇。內裏給人很現代的感覺,與外表感覺完全不同。可以感受到店鋪的每一個角落都經精心設計,整間 Apple Store 給人的感覺似是用戶交流多於買賣貨物。香港一般店鋪的設計是:眼不見為乾淨、用盡地方放最多的貨品。

自由神像是紐約的標誌,她坐落於 Ellis Island ,以往是新移民處理入境手續的地方。往小島的渡輪十分搶錢,要十美元。較精明的方法是坐 Staten Island Ferry,途中會看到自由神像,用零美元。自由神像其實很小,不明白荷里活電影怎樣將她無限放大。

晚上九時行經市中心,看到 East River 正在放國慶煙花,不過沒有甚麼感覺,好像與自己沒有很大的關係。四十二街時代廣場的燈光比煙花更光,四方建築物都有掛上了大大小小的廣告,十分刺眼。


地鐵站 下城區,本來不是這個樣子的 自由神像 時代廣場