Have your brain ready, thanks.




What"s on my mind lately

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Posted on the 31st day of December, 2005

What the heck is life going on?

I can blame many people, and society. Why is it so hard for them to look from others' perspective? Why do they like stereotyping? People fear for no points at all. If you give it a deep thought, you will know: Why the author of the book laid out such an arbitrary rule?

It is difficult to live a normal life. From the outside, I am as kind and nice as I could be possible. Just look a layer down, it would not be quite the same. There are not many who know the real me, the acts that I have done. There is enormous prejudice to ignore. No matter one tells us how disgusting and weird that is, we have to stand still, or we will lose ourselves, lost in a world where it shouldn't have to be this way in the first place. I almost scrapped the person formerly known as me, the one who is well known by others. You may not like it, me neither, get used to it.

It is so difficult to view from others' perspective that I found it difficult to do as well. How it feels to be with a person like me. Well, I kind of knew, but it was like in a dream. And, it's time to wake up.

What was he thinking while he was looking out from the bank? I really like to know. What made him take the last move? I fear that I might just do the same, and it is not that difficult to cross the threshold.

It is hard to believe that I am the problem.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Posted on the 29th day of December, 2005

For those who don't know, I have created two blogrings, one for my former classmates and another one for y03 (and one y04) Computer Science classmates.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Posted on the 28th day of December, 2005

He is the World's #1 Cat.

Sunday, December 25, 2005


《遇上 1941 的女孩》


聖誕夜 我突然流淚了 遠處的飛機風裏閃耀
爆炸的聲音不停不了 四周天崩地搖
有幾多人別去無聲 人間未等到天明
明日已經 已經 沒保證
為何甜夢最後變得一切不相同 原來人在世界始終孤獨
我盼當我走到盡頭 他可伴我在身旁

<>* 我的心如劃過流星 流落未知的將來
我與他可會仍然相愛 問誰人是我一生最愛 *

Posted on the Christmas Day, 2005

Wednesday, December 21, 2005





Saturday, December 17, 2005

I started regaining (in)sanity.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


下午「經過」九龍塘又一城,離開地鐵站後踏上速度極快的扶手電梯,到 LG2 的 Pacific Coffee。第一次在這間咖啡店品嘗咖啡,普通買了一杯 tall cappuccino,隨便找了一個可以看到櫃檯的位置坐。四圍看看,這是一間很大的咖啡店,裡面有的東西比起一間星巴克更多花款。看物、看事、看人,看看在這裡工作的員工、在這裡溫習的學生……

嗯,這杯 26 元的咖啡一點也不貴。

"The men who really believe in themselves are all in lunatic asylums."
~ G. K. Chesterton

 #  #  #

It's three o'clock in the morning. Words and ideas stuck in my head at this time of the day.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005






下午三時半:食完杯麵,看完一集 Without a Trace,有一點點倦意,再瞓!(大家仲記唔記得尖沙咀果個 David 呢?)




晚上十時:沙田買了一杯 Double tall extra-hot cappuccino,星巴克的小姐提醒我小心。

晚上十時半:終於到達 924。

晚上十一時許:一切筆記準備就緒,開展溫書的第一頁。不過 Alvin 仍然在打機。



凌晨三時:離開 924,回到應林,一個人獨佔一間兩人房間。








下午三時半:回到 924,人山人海。牛牛同學與我應考同一科目,他說:「死啦,唔識喎!」...「咪玩啦!」我想,如果你真的快死,那我一定已經死掉了。


Give a value estimate M of the score you will get in this exam. Suppose your real score is M1. If | M1 - M | <= 1, you get 2 marks. If | M1 - M | <= 2 then you get 1 mark.




Saturday, December 10, 2005

The 9th day of December 2005

My secondary school teacher completed his master degree in Counseling. He was in the Chinese University today and took pictures like an undergraduate does, except that it is an over-aged undergraduate student. His classmates are generally even older than he is.

I squeezed half an hour or so to meet him at the University Mall (aka "the million road").  Jason is my former secondary school classmate and was here as well. I took several pictures with my teacher. While he was taking pictures with his classmates, he introduced me and Jason as his own students. I guess, having students to attend his own graduation would be interesting.

After that, I returned to my computer laboratory with piles of work waiting for me to finish, in less than 24 hours.

#  #  #

Late night at around 1 o'clock, I was waiting on the ground floor of the Engineering Building waiting for the hot stuff from there. I recalled what is in an episode of Six Feet Under: A motorcyclist was killed right after the show begins. In fact, in each episode of Six Feet Under, a person dies at the very beginning.

In the funeral of the motorcyclist, his wife gave this remark on his husband's life.

If he was careful, he might have lived longer.
But then, would he lived as happy?

Someone asked me if I actually prefer thinking thoroughly for everything, but trade this with piece of mind. My answer was yes. But I am starting to feel that I should not have taken everything so seriously... personally. Maybe  I will feel happier if I learn to let go... it doesn't have to be in anyway special for two buddies to get along with.

There are certain things of mine that I cannot change. My method of thinking, my lifestyle, what I liked... Being me, I can never be others.

I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Posted on the 9th day of December, 2005

In this world, getting blue is like on a daily basis.

No matter it is work, study, or friends... everything starts suffocating.

There are so many conflicts, so many choices, what should I do?

I guess what I need is a little support to keep me from falling too deep.

It doesn't have to be words of wisdom, or comforting words ... a simple hug would do.

Haris Lee did just that.

Although he might mean to do that for fun, but it is the kind of support I was looking for.