Have your brain ready, thanks.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Ability to reason

More and more often I find out that it is quite common that people around me do not have the ability to reason. When an idea is odd enough they just scrap the whole idea, without giving enough thought on it.

It is as if any one idea must be on a single side of the fence so that it makes sense to anyone, and this idea must be on a side at the extreme. Think about it, when the democrats rejected the proposal for the new election procedures a few years back, were they really supporting a more general election or not? I bet some people just doesn't understand. They don't have the ability to reason.

I recently spent some time reading The Dilbert Blog by Scott Adams. He talked about Cognitive Dissonance a few days earlier and he mentioned an interview of an economist on the topic of global warming. The interviewers were confused, and rejected the economist's idea entirely.

I like the way how he attacked the nonsense. His posts were extremely humourous.