Have your brain ready, thanks.




What"s on my mind lately

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The pursuit of happyness

I am not intending to write a review. Though I especially like the music at the start and the starting scenes with San Francisco as background. I think the plot after Will Smith Chris Gardner sold the last scanner and be with his son on the beach is not necessary. The audience knew he will get the job, anyway. Cough... I'm not intending to write a review.

Chris said the part of life that he got the job is "happiness". It keeps me thinking: which part is he calling it "happiness"? If you think about it, getting a job doesn't make one feel happy automatically. You see, you have to do work after you get a job, and payroll doesn't even start! Where is the happiness in any job itself?

And I have always thought: if the pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of a good job, then I'd say happiness is pretty damned boring.

But what "getting a job" curtails is what can result in happiness. It can be that the father and his son can finally leave the hell they are living in. It can be that he can stop feeling the frustration of waiting to get a better living. From him, who is even struggling for basic needs, I can feel happiness already when they were at the beach. Everything after that is a little bit overkill.

It is difficult to say what happiness is. In a situation like this we usually use other stuff that can demonstrate signs of happiness. We gradually accustomed to the idea that these stuff is happiness. If one don't think very hard what they really want, one can be distracted easily. At least this is what I think.

The main idea of the movie is not about this, and is instead extremely simple.

Sunday, March 25, 2007




話時話呢我張信用咭唔知點樣儲到三百幾分 Cash Dollars 而且要四月洗咗佢,所以去咗 Délifrance 請朱熙同菠蘿食飯,都係用咗百六蚊咋。同日係 Starbucks 見到六十蚊一把傘,好想買/借。

哈哈,仲有一樣野唔記得咗講添。星期六去咗演藝嘅劇場睇一個 show,最衰係遲到要喺門口睇電視至中場。演藝果然係唔同啲,仲要係啲男仔都幾正,得閒應該去多啲演藝睇 show,哈哈。

Wednesday, March 21, 2007






Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yahoo! Blog

一兩個月前發現何韻詩有一網誌放到Yahoo! Blog,自此經常留意那裡的文章。其實那些算不上是文章,或許是些生活點滴吧。

此後陸續發現不少 Yahoo! Blog 的網誌,包括梁祖祖楊蝦頭林一峰萊斯...一時間好像用 Yahoo! Blog 成了趨勢。對於 Yahoo! Blog 第一個印象,就是胡亂配搭的顏色背景圖片,驟 眼看去花亂,或許,內容更為重要。








Sunday, March 18, 2007



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My "new" Nokia N80

I was trying to look for the Nokia PC Suite download page when I see this.

Nokia - Phone software update

Phone Software Update? I know there must be some secret software updater for my a-little-bit-buggy Nokia N80, just behind the doors to the service room, but a updater that I can download and install on my own? That's completely new and I have never knew a phone company offering this kind of free updates. This is simply the reason why I liked Nokia - they pay attention to details. My heart to Nokia (before Apple's iPhone come out, that is).


Anyway, the installation was easy and quick. Nokia maintains a list of supported phones at their website. If I am not mistaken, most of the phone models in the list is running on a Symbian S60 operating system (ie. most of them starts with an "N" or "E"). After I install a updater to my computer, hook the computer up with the phone through the USB cable, and the software will detect the phone and download the required updates from Nokia. After that comes the most important part of flashing the internal memory of the phone to the new version (which is always the most dangerous part - a power failure and my phone will be on its way to one of the Nokia service centres.)

After restarts, my phone woke and it simply looked as if it was new. I spotted these changes,

It looks like it is new!
  1. Organisation of the main menu is different, now there is a new "Internet" folder holding all the internet-related applications.
  2. Several references to an "internet phone" feature in settings menu as well as an app presumably used to make calls via the internet.
  3. It seems the phone now supports Changjei input method but I don't know how I can get it to work (maybe with the Bluetooth keyboard?).
  4. New applications to download free software from the Internet, including a new barcode reader, Yahoo! Messenger and Acrobat Reader etc.
  5. After several seconds of inactivity the display dimmed (but the light isn't turned completely off). Nice.
  6. The "Web" app (Webkit-powered browser, which in turn support the Safari on the Mac) can now handles web pages which demand more resources.

In a nutshell, all of them are tiny changes. But I am already thirlled.

PS: It turns out that the full backup utility is doing anything but a full backup. After I updated the phone and restore the backup, my message box and phone book was still empty. I synced my contacts back to the phone - no problem, but all my messages were lost.

So, before you install the new software, check Nokia discussion board for installation issues with your phone. Always make backup and make sure you can restore everything after the update.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


昨晚放工我好得閒,走咗去尖沙咀警署門口搭 6A 去深水埗,原本搭地鐵只係十分鐘,搭巴士要半個鐘。






就係呢啲閃閃縮縮心情緊張嘅時候,咁啱 iPod 仔播林一峰嘅晚睡(思生活)





Monday, March 12, 2007



就好似搭車咁。你都知我個人又複雜又麻煩啦,出門口嗰吓就要諗究竟搭乜嘢車好呢……巴士地鐵西鐵路線之多真係諗到頭都大埋,仲要考慮埋究竟長沙灣道彌敦道會唔會塞到仆街呢,南昌轉車會唔會等到想殺人呢。千揀萬揀之後都係出問題,原來彌敦道星期六日黃昏真係會塞到仆街架喎,非繁忙時間在南昌等 K16 真係會想殺人架喎。總而言之,呢啲之前都試過架啦,但係唔知點解又會做返之前話咗俾自己知唔應該做嘅嘢囉。




Saturday, March 10, 2007

What the hell is Vista thinks it is doing?

I just installed Windows Vista because the XP broke and it won't boot. How I get my copy, you ask? As my friend, I am sure you know I get the copy through completely legitimate channels. Cough... anyway, this is not the point.

Installation on my old Thinkpad was a breeze and getting it activated was extremely easy. The problem is getting the drivers needed for the Vista. It seems IBM Lenovo has forgotten they have manufactured my laptop, despite it's just 3.5 years old. "... Did we produced that laptop? Buy a new one you loser." I don't count them on getting my TrackPoint to work. Sih.

After digging a little it seems Intel has the Vista-compatible driver for the wireless network adapter (they say it is end-of-life'd but they are making one exception... so noble). The drivers installation was an unpleasant experience. The system freeze and restarted 4-5 times before I could get it to work. Even that it is working now, I don't know which part of Vista's configuration I changed to make it work. I feel like I'm being punished for install the "Wow" software on a "Duh" laptop.

I can't find anyone to blame except Microsoft.

Thursday, March 08, 2007




2007 年 3 月 24 日(星期六)及
2007 年 3 月 25 日(星期日)

入場時間:上午 9 時 30 分至下午 4 時 30 分

當日展覽結束時間:下午 5 時 15 分

via HKO's website

Sunday, March 04, 2007



Order of Finish Race no. Country Official Time Net Time
3314 A1829 Hong Kong 1:26:45 1:16:25







Thursday, March 01, 2007


一套「東亞娛樂 X 林一峰 X W創作社」的音樂劇場(越來越多 cross over,好像有點亂來的感覺),詳情請看 wthreatre.org.hk。好貴哦!最貴要四百元一張門票。我一定會去看,但我仍未決定選擇那一個價錢。我相信此劇值得一看,原因是除了有林一峰的演出外,還有 W 創作社以往的劇目都很好。


「相遇一刻 也可感動一生」……如果沒有這種相遇,也可以用錢買感動,最少有一、兩小時