I moved my blog to a new location. If you read my blog with a feed reader, please subscribe the new feed.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Ads desperately in need of attention
At mingpaonews.com, Ads are desperately in need of attention. In the middle we have the usual flying ad of Lufthansa, blocking the view of my latest headlines in a periodic basis. Then we have another CX ad that features a credit card image actually flying to the computer cursor, exactly underneath it, hence preventing clicking of any actual content. In fact, if you use browsers other than IE, you cannot click any content at all because the flash animation is overlapping on the HTML content.
I’m forced to conclude: 1. Ads are more important than content now at Ming Pao news, with the news actually being driven to the background; 2. Airlines like flying ads.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
To be focused on the Mac
Almost every Mac OS X application has these two options under the application menu: “Hide Others” and “Show All”. I never have a good reason to use these, but now, I know what they are for. I figured when I watched Scott Forstall demonstrated Interface Builder for iPhone in the WWDC keynote video—he hide all windows from other applications to make the desktop uncluttered.
One of the inconvenience of using Mac OS X to me is that the desktop seems always cluttered by all the opening windows. In Windows, a window can be made maximised to make it occupy the entire screen and it is then locked in place. This thing doesn’t exist in Mac OS X. Mac just works this way. Some even go so far to proclaim that Mac users are more likely to multi-task. I have always believed that there is no native solution to this, as people have written many applications to free user from distractions (none of them is entirely for this purpose).
It turns out that when you want to work inside a single application, just click the “Hide Others” option, and click “Show All” to go back. There is a hack to make the Dock dims hidden applications’ icon.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Text kerning in Firefox 3.0
I think this article covers some aspect of typography that people is not well aware of... especially if you are not sensitive to pixel level differences.
Just scroll to “Kerning”, Firefox is clearly better in that particular comparison.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I can finally see your status (and you can see mine too)
Holy Crap! I have finally waited the shit out of me long enough to see others’ status messages on MSN and I can have the whole world (well, my contacts) see my status too! With Adium, I can now forget that there existed something called “Microsoft Messenger” which has a hideous, non-Mac interface.
The unofficial Adium build I am running now has these for me to play with:
- Contacts Search
- IM’ing to Facebook contacts
- Setting my status message and seeing others’ status messages
- Sending and receiving offline messages
- Have a message box pops up before a buddy sends the first message
All Mac users rejoice! But maybe a little bit too early though... the build is unofficial and unstable and whatever—read and understand everything before you start testing. I warn you: all data can get wiped clean by this.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Coffee Thinking
I originally planned to go to see a movie in Broadway Cinematheque when I was taking the trains from the University station, but I soon realised that I would certainly have missed the opening by then. So I threw away the whole idea and alighted at Shatin and headed back home.
At a Starbucks enroute, I saw a young woman heading my way when I was waiting for my decaf iced tall latte. The woman’s clothing reminded me that it is hot sunny summer despite it was cold and rainy outside. The way she walked to me was what I hate the most. I’m not particularly sure why girls have to walk like that as if they were models in the Shiseido commercial, besides the idea that they are trying to induce male hormones. Well... after all it is pointless—she wouldn’t be able to induce any sex hormones anyway. And I’m speaking this on behalf of the general male population.
Luckily she was approaching her companion behind me. Then it kept me thinking while I was still waiting for my cup: if she genuinely enjoys walking like this way it wouldn’t be a problem. I walked awkwardly, sometimes on purpose. However I think she wasn’t genuinely enjoying it by the look of it.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
An update to my music problems
I mentioned that after I upgraded to QuickTime 7.5 the music cannot be played correctly both by QuickTime and iTunes. Turns out it is logical that they couldn’t play these files—these MP3 music files are corrupted. I don’t know why they go corrupt as over the last few days I have been testing some programs, many of them music related. I don’t know which one of them is the culprit. It could be the QuickTime update itself, the RealPlayer 11 that I installed recently or some Windows music converter software that I run in VMware.
After I restored the music from the back up (not through Time Machine, but rsync), everything seems fine now.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Apple’s keynote and the consumers
Every now and then someone will say that the keynote from Apple’s WWDC is boring. There is no doubt that expectations are high towards any keynote speech of Apple—Steve Jobs is an excellent speaker and his reality distortion field transforms even the most simplest feature to become state-of-the-art innovations. Too high the expectations can lead to disappointment, especially for consumers viewing the WWDC keynotes. The target audience for WWDC keynotes is clearly the developers, and lay-persons might not feel interested in, if not bored by, the content.
Consumers generally like to hear key points with a high WOW factor—iPhone with 3G+GPS capabilities or thin MacBook Air with MultiTouch trackpad—which are also the points which the consumers can understand and talk about. They are happy to hear this and they expect to hear these things in any Apple’s keynote. On the other hand the consumers won’t understand a bit of “Oh! Apple’s announced the Push Notifications Service!” Even if the keynote is all about these innovative technical details, consumers won’t feel interested in any way. The consumer is ignorant (which is a bliss) of the technical innovations that will benefit them in the long run. This is why the WWDC keynote is often “boring”, but in fact, they just lack the WOW factors.
Of course, Apple wants more hype and rumours before the keynotes to generate higher expectations and attention to their keynotes. In fact, they are believed to intentionally leak (fake) product features. The rumour mills are, well, okay at expecting what will be announced next. But they aren’t necessarily correct. There are numerous times do they predict that the (then) Apple phone would be announced but these rumours turned out to be false. And Apple sometimes release something entirely new without the rumour mills saying a word about it before the announcement.
To me, watching the WWDC keynote is like watching a football match (some friends may point out that I never watch football matches, but anyway I’m just making an analogy here). I watch it because I want to know how Apple announces their new products, not what they will announce. If I only want to know the results I could simply skip the keynote and read the news afterwards.
People are always anticipating new gadgets. But how about the software? I believe that good software is a large contributing factor to Apple’s success, though the general public seem to direct their attention to somewhere else. This is why I like to ask people why they buy an Apple product—it seems pretty shallow to me if “being cool” is the only reason. I like Apple because I like their way of working with computers, and this is software related.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Problems with QuickTime 7.5
Since yesterday Apple started pushing a new update to QuickTime which bumps the version number to 7.5. Though there seems to be issues with this release that makes MP3 music to be played incorrectly. iTunes won’t even play some MP3 music (iTunes uses QuickTime to play media files, it seems). So I advise people to skip this release and wait for another update.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
It’s amazing
When I thought I have gave up, something amazing just happened—the connection went back to normal. Absolutely no problem with 0% packet loss.
In the mean time I watched When Harry met Sally, and I love it.
本來問題不大,但今日的上網速度比正常慢很多,不穩定的情況由今早黃雨開始直至下午仍未好轉,嚴重時資料流失率超過 60%。
我家的電話線是掛在電話線桿上的,十分兒戲。上網服務由出問題,是不是要考慮轉用別的服務?不過家住村屋,選擇甚少,較合適的服務就是數碼通流動寬頻,連同所有不合理收費要 $408/月,又好像太貴了,而且不可以用點對點檔案共享。
Monday, May 26, 2008
梁文道著《浩劫中見希望 傷痛裏有慈悲》
「社會服務聯會業務總監蔡劍華表示,慈善機構均有不同理念、服務對象、宗教背景、運作方式,市民捐款前應先了解它們的工作重點及財務,然後選擇個人最認同的作出捐獻。『成熟的捐款不是即興、不是在街頭放低 100 元便了事。』」
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
路線 | 目的地 | 原有收費 | 新收費 | 差額 | 加幅 |
68M | 荃灣鐵路站 | $8.4 | $8.8 | +$0.4 | 4.8% |
68X | 佐敦(匯翔道) | $12.5 | $12.5 | - | - |
264M | 青衣鐵路站 | $9.1 | $9.6 | +$0.5 | 5.5% |
268B | 紅磡碼頭 | $16.5 | $16.5 | - | - |
268C | 觀塘碼頭 | $16.5 | $16.5 | - | - |
269D | 瀝源 | $14.5 | $14.5 | - | - |
276 | 上水 | $7.6 | $8.0 | +$0.4 | 5.3% |
968 | 銅鑼灣(天后) | $20.7 | $21.4 | +$0.7 | 3.4% |
E34 | 機場(地面運輸中心) | $13.0 | $13.6 | +$0.6 | 4.6% |
N269 | 美孚 | $10.5 | $11.1 | +$0.6 | 5.7% |
N968 | 銅鑼灣(天后) | $31.0 | $32.2 | +$1.2 | 3.9% |
呢 11 條巴士線之中竟然有 4 條冇加價。搭港鐵由銅鑼灣去元朗係 $21.9,九巴新收費 $21.4,只相差 $0.5。但其實元朗出港島最平的方法應該係搭西鐵到南昌轉 K16,再喺天星碼頭搭船過海,收 $14.6,相差 $6.8。
Monday, May 19, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
I’m a 窿, I’m a 窿, I’m a 窿,
I’m a 窿, I’m a 窿, I’m a 窿,
I’m a 窿, I’m a 窿, I’m a 窿,
I’m a 窿, I’m a 窿, Oh… I’m so a 窿…
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Monday, May 05, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I am a none-of-the-above
I was registering Pownce when I noticed this,
which is good. The service isn’t as good though. It gave me a 500 when I was trying to post a flickr link.
Monday, April 28, 2008
為何他會離開你 誰叫你自己不會飛
常纏在一起 會換來危機
他找你 不找你 你不智地對他生氣
問他等於問你 當我問候你
雙眼像鑿滿傷悲 誰又敢深愛你但未怪你
若是還有骨氣 拿回纏他的心機
拿去愛惜你 怎可洩氣
原來擁吻 如不放 錯在你
Sunday, April 27, 2008
蘋果日報「隔牆有耳:做人別太 HKEAA」二零零八年四月二十七日
後補:YouTube 影像。
剛剛從香港交通資訊網下載了 2008–2009 年度元朗區巴士路線發展計劃,我第一次閱讀同類文件。所謂的發展,實質是重組。不過「重組」太中性了,中性會比巿民作縮減班次、取消路線等負面聯想,所以要用一個正面的字眼,聯想到只會作中性聯想。無論如何,內容不少利益考慮。
- N968 計劃改為 N368,由西隧改為行紅隧,原因十份明顯。不過節省的隧道費沒有回饋巿民,仍收 31 港元,總站遷往中環。深夜多從灣仔、銅鑼灣區回元朗,應該比以前快一點點,但就肯定沒有空座位。
- 264M 計劃改經元朗 13、14 區。新路線應該經十八鄉路吧,那些新興建的巴士站終於有人使用了。
Saturday, April 26, 2008
我計劃搬網址,很有可能用 WordPress。我在頭痛網誌的設計,更頭痛的是網誌標題。
另一個是「樽裝咖啡」,好處是沒人用來作網誌的標題,而且副題可以是「但咖啡可注入這汽水樽 情感藏不了」,帥呆了。不過從歌詞找靈感,太 expected 了,而且會容易令人誤會這是人家的附屬網誌。
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
透過小奧私陸,看到另一篇討論 Firefox 未來方向的文章。我深感作者未掌握實際情況而散播 FUD,所以我做出令人討厭的事:將人家的網誌當成自己的網誌,怒寫幾百字以表己見。
Chris Beard's article on blurring the border of the browser has nothing to do with Firefox becoming another Netscape Navigator. After all, he didn't say Mozilla is going to add Mail, Calendaring et cetra, to the Firefox that you use and love (not me, I use Safari). Firefox's philosophy has always have been cutting down functionality without making the browser unusable.
If you notice it, you'll see that Firefox's interface is built from XUL. This very same language can be used by websites like Google to build applications that look like, well, applications, not a website inside a browser. Consider Google making a Thunderbird-like e-mail client for its GMail service, hosted on Google's web servers, with the speed and responsive of Thunderbird, now you understand what I mean. Another good example is Songbird, which is essentially a different XUL coat over the same Firefox core.
When Chris said blurring the border, he means something like making Songbird to be more common. Not Netscape Navigator. In other words, these most likely will interest developers rather than end users. : )
End users might notice a behaviour change. For now people access GMail, they open up Safari (oops, I mean Firefox) and go to gmail.com. They do this because they think GMail is a website that they need Firefox to browse it. What Chris envisioned is that GMail (as an example only), if written as an XUL application, what people do is to open the GMail application, rather than opening Firefox. One less redirection there and people probably likes simpler ways of doing things. And of course, that GMail application is hosted on the web, and so Firefox is just the same little fox.
By then, probably you'll still need to open up Firefox to view regular websites. I dare say Firefox will not have tons of functionality added to it by then. So you don't need to worry so much.
The Weave is interesting because, if you think about it, Firefox works like an Operating System. Weave, like .Mac, enables user to bring their profile with them, so that they can be in the same environment, wherever they go.
照 Chris 所說的,Firefox 仍會是網站(或網站式服務)之間的橋樑,只是他希望用戶用這條橋樑之時,未必一定會留意到這條橋其實正是 Firefox。換句話說,我們沒有必要在這條橋上刻意掛上廣告,標示這條橋是 Firefox。反而使用者可以當這條橋是隱形的,因他們只求跨過這條橋。
或者你未有留意,其實這些 XAML/XUL 的技術已經放到現在的 IE/Firefox 瀏覽器之中,你可以試試這個例子。我想,Chris 希望做到的是將 Firefox 的邊框消失,另內容可自成一個好像是獨立的軟件。因此,你所擔心的事,其實已經發生了,只是表達手法的問題。
這有點像微軟將 IE 的技術整合到 Windows 之中,使有些軟件可以使用到 XAML (XUL 的對手技術)。當然,我想 Mozilla 的開發者會將這個整合比起微軟做得更穩定、更輕快。
對於使用者而言,其實他們要做的工作比起應用程式的本身來得重要。如果他們只想用 GMail 寄送電郵,但要他們開一個叫 Firefox 的軟件,指示它到特定的位置,再使用服務,其實是多一層的不便,只是大家習慣了而已。
即使到將來 Chris 所說的願景,仍然會有一個叫 Firefox 的瀏覽器,像現在的一樣,或可能加上一點必要的功能。這個瀏覽器仍會讓一般使用者使用來瀏覽網頁。但使用者不知到的是,他們慣常所用的電子郵件軟體,其實是用上了 Firefox 的核心技術,不竟,整合是要避免使用者看到那個分隔。
在商而言,微軟有 XAML 技術,Adobe 有 AIR 技術,都和 Firefox 的技術有相似的功能。Firefox 既然是開放源始碼,又是跨平台的軟體,加入這個巿場確有其優勢和必要。這可以提供一個免費、開放、跨平台的選擇給開發者,最終得益的也是使用者。
Sunday, April 13, 2008
My Nokia N80 is sick
A few days ago my Nokia N80 is beginning to get sick. The screen is blank when slid. The “Clear” key and two of the navigation buttons don't work when slid open. Nokia doesn't repair it without me paying $1700.
I don't know if I should buy a new phone now. Especially when the phone is just around the corner.
I miss my Nokia N80.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Mobile Internet
I was discussing with my college friends in the library yesterday about the deployment of free Wi-Fi hotspots in government venues. Basically they argued that the deployment of free Wi-Fi hotspots in more locations will diminishes the benefits of 3G networks, and hence making deployment of 3G networks irrelevant.
My stance was at the other end of the argument—3G networks is relevant and it is not a niche market. In a way, if two kinds of technology compete with each other, you can always say one diminishes the benefits of another. However, I would rather believe that the two wireless technologies are not competing with each other—arenʼt they supposed to complement each other?
At some point in the discussion they mentioned that the current pricing of mobile Internet access through the 3G networks is too high for use by the general public. A person having a 3G mobile phone equipped with Wi-Fi transceiver can always find a hotspot to access the Internet, so that they can avoid the high price of transmitting over the cell phone network. They also assumed that hotspots are widespread (or will become widespread soon enough) that people can always find one nearby. Together with the low price of using a Wi-Fi network and now the government actually provided the service for free, people donʼt need 3G networks.
They also suggested that the seemingly lack of popularity in accessing the Internet with a cell phone is an evidence that mobile Internet access isnʼt popular among the general public. Instead, more people bring their laptops to coffee shops and restaurant alike to surf through a Wi-Fi connection. Whatʼs the point, I reckon they believed, of having a ubiquitous Internet connection anyway? It isnʼt necessary
Having bought a 3G cell phone with a Wi-Fi almost two years ago, and switched back to a 2G network recently, it is difficult for me to argue otherwise. The reason for my switching was not of the pricing or of the speed—I considered the pricing acceptable I would say. For $38 a month ($10 less if on a contract) I could use 20MB of bandwidth daily. Never on one day did I exceed that bandwidth limit. I did not like it for three reasons: 1) They added a hideous red toolbar on top of every page, and there was no way to turn it off; 2) the pricing was not fair, namely it only covers browsing, not downloading, chatting et cetra; 3) most importantly, it is not enjoyable to surf the Internet with my Nokia N80. It is easy to understand—how would surfing the Internet with a numerical pad and four-way navigation buttons be enjoyable? Not to mention the phone does not have enough processing power to render many web pages, and N80 is a powerful smart phone by comparison.
Not if compared to the iPhone though. I donʼt want to repeat the whole argument of accessing the Internet with the iPhone. I just want to say that if it is not making mobile Internet usable, nothing is. I believe that the lack of popularity in using the mobile Internet isnʼt limited by what you can do while you are on the road or the pricing being extravagant—itʼs limited by the device.
And frankly it is unfair to compare the current 3G networks with the future Wi-Fi networks. Iʼm sure that pricing for both will go down. Iʼm sure both will be available in more locations. Iʼm sure that both will be faster. Not just one but another as well.
Before I go into the idea of the two wireless technologies complementing each other, lets consider for a moment that they are competing. If they are, the question would be whether people will find it worthwhile to pay more for a ubiquitous service that is actually slower. And if yes, how much more money? How much more available? How much slower?
Letʼs consider these with the technologies of today. Consider a person having a cell phone that makes the mobile Internet actually usable. For as low as $28 a month he gets 20MB of daily usage and $68 for unlimited (applies to browsing only, extra charges for other use). If you look at Wi-Fi, PCCWʼs unlimited plan is priced at $98 a month (available to Netvigator Broadband users only). Gov Wi-Fi is free, of course, but they are only available at government venues.
My friends suggested that in the future more hotspots will be deployed at less the fees. Firstly I doubt whether our government will deploy them in more locations, as doing that would result in criticisms of the government being interfering with the free market. Nor will PCCW makes it free for them being a commercial service provider. Municipal Wi-Fi or public contributed hotspots maybe the way out, but they wonʼt be in the near future, if at all coming.
So is ubiquitous worth it? Iʼll share a few personal experiences.
- One day I have to send an e-mail on the road and it is rather urgent. I was in a hurry as I was running late. I ended up sitting on the bench trying to access the Internet through one of those telephone booths. People looked at me as if they havenʼt seen people using a laptop on a bench in a train station (me neither). (Speaking of which, the signal from telephone booths isnʼt strong enough. Usually I canʼt receive the signal just across the four-lane roads.)
- Another time I was on the streets looking for the bus route and bus stop for some destination. I didnʼt bother heading to a nearby Starbucks, not to mention taking out a laptop and looking for a telephone booth.
- I was on the streets with nothing to do one day and I was thinking maybe I could go to watch a movie or something. If only I could check out what a theatre is showing I donʼt need to go there and found out I was not interested in any of them.
I donʼt use the Internet 24/7, but I use it when I need it. And I couldnʼt foresee when I am going to need it. Iʼm going to use it briefly for the moment that I need it. And I need it right then. If this means Iʼm what can only be described as in the niche market, then just be it. This also made the meaning of a niche market, well, meaningless.
Or one might say that it is a niche market because people donʼt need to access the Internet when they need it. In other words: not necessary. This is difficult to argue whether something is necessary for the general public. But I reckon one might argue that it is not necessary to access the Internet after all. Or one might argue that it is not necessary to take the bus when I could walk. I could write another article of this length just devoted to this particular topic. So I am not going to discuss much about this.
And for the two wireless technologies being complement of each other, one way to look at it is that the mobile phone networks are for mobile phones and the Wi-Fi networks are for laptops. (Surprise!) Laptops are bulky and you donʼt want to bring it out everyday. If you use a mobile phone, the 3G networks is adequate for most. Of course the line becomes blur now when laptops become smaller and can be used with 3.5G networks, while mobile phones are equipped with Wi-Fi transceiver. However, this wonʼt make either of these technologies irrelevant, they are good at what they are good at.
Things might change tomorrow. Wireless services are getting faster, more available and cheaper. But as for today, the both are not being kicked out anytime soon.
I think what I dislike about is that people think our government is advancing telecommunications by deploying hotspots. In my eyes, they are at best better than nothing. After all, you should remember that the government did not have any plans rolling out hotspots back then when the ITU conference is held in Hong Kong and attenders complained about the state of wireless Internet access in the city. By that time, municipals Wi-Fi was already being deployed at other cities, Singapore being one example. Our governmentʼs action is slow and I doubt whether they would advance any further when the public has forgotten the reasons they are deploying hotspots at the first place.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I recently noticed that battery didn't have enough capacity to power the computer for 2 hours after fully charged. When I bought this laptop last June, the computer can be used for 4 hours without recharging. coconutBattery indicated that the battery capacity is now half of the original capacity. So I reckon I should request to have the battery replaced.
Justin had a problem having his battery replaced. He can't get his battery replaced without travelling to the other side of the globe and he argued that the world is not flat. Apple has a pretty good customer service track record in the states. Apparently, this really applies in the states only.
My strategy was to call Apple's technical support. To do that I have to purchase the AppleCare Protection Plan to extend the complimentary telephone support to 3 years. That costs about $2000, which is a pain in the ass. But I have to buy it anyway, so this is a good opportunity to do so.
The staff at the call centre were not helpful (damn!). What they did was to ask me a bunch of questions about battery conditions and my usage pattern, and tell me that "No, you can have the battery replaced." She suggested me to visit the authorised service centre (yes, there is only one) instead.
I took the battery and the computer to the service centre in Times Square. It was a small office. I'm surprised that so many Hong Kongers have bought so many iPods and Macs, what we deserve is a small office for customer service. It is a contractor's office, though. The staff offered to let me leave the battery for four days and it will be sent to Singapore for examination. This is the best I can get. Frankly, as long as they don't tell me to leave my computer with them, I am okay.
Finally, today I visited the service centre again and was glad to hear that they have the battery replaced. I walked out of the office with the brand new battery and as I am typing this, the battery was charged to the full.
They should have just sent me a replacement in the mail and I'll sent back the faulty one. This is such a prevalent practise in the states and Apple do that (in the states). Four days is still too much. I remembered once I took my ThinkPad to a service centre in Quarry Bay and they have the motherboard replaced in four hours. I doubt if Apple's service centre in Hong Kong do anything other than sending faulty units to Singapore.
I won't go so far as to declare that world is not flat.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
最近和一個一年級的同學在 MSN 談。如果算年級,我和他相差四屆。
我問:You like programming?
他答:我入大學之前從未接觸過電腦既知識, 而家就愈讀愈鐘意.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
O mio babbino caro
A beautiful, touching aria — O mio babbino caro,
O mio babbino caro
Mi piace è bello, bello
Vo'andare in Porta Rossa
a comperar l'anello!
What I am surprised with is the English translation,
O my dearest daddy
He pleases me, and is handsome, handsome
I want to go to Porta Rossa
to buy the ring!
The Cantonese translation is even more fun (provided by Pineapple),
That somewhat speaks my heart as well.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
中文版的口號是:「無糖依然可口可樂。」英文版的是「real coke taste zero sugar」,英文的比中文的誇張多了。
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
- 就車上乘客而言,是否分段並不重要。
- 廣播內容只有廣東話,沒有英語及普通話。
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
「時間河」是林一峰《你今日拯救咗地球未呀?》唱片裏的一首歌,歌名旁寫上「給離開了的人」。與唱片同名的音樂劇由林一峰和蘇玉華於 2005 年演出。我有留意到宣傳,但沒去看。
這首歌在我的 iTunes 裏被表示為三棵星,代表一般。
Saturday, February 09, 2008
取自 dchome.net。
- 某女藝員:
- …原來今年(日期)同埋(日期)都係宜嫁㗎喎,諗住結婚的朋友就要快啲了。
- 某男藝員(疑似陳啟泰):
- 咁你又有冇興趣結婚呀?
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
大地任我行香港版的旅行書裏提到地鐵 「sleek, pristine and always on time, it is also rather soulless」。當一切太過程序化公式化的時候,系統的本身好像缺少點人情味。又或者我們十年後重臨同一個地鐵站,發現到處依久光鮮,不許每天經過的人留下任何痕跡,我們對地鐵站還能存有怎樣的感情?
站牌的英文字型是 Myriad。
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Another laughter: Possessions of obscene articles
Section 21, Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (Chapter 391), the Laws of Hong Kong.
Prohibition on publishing obscene articles
(1) Subject to subsection (2) any person who-
- (a) publishes;
- (b) possesses for the purpose of publication; or
- (c) imports for the purpose of publication,
any obscene article, whether or not he knows that it is an obscene article, commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $1000000 and to imprisonment for 3 years.
Emphasis added.
In other words, if there is no intention of publications, merely possessing obscene articles (which I believe many boys do) does not constitute an offence. Though even if you have no such intention, the police can argue that you do.
The man did actually post the photos to the Internet, that's why the police located him and put him into custody. He has a difficult case to argue.
I strongly disagree with anyone who say that downloading the photos is an offence. It's not. My opinion.
Our police chief is naïve in that he was happy to tell the press a scapegoat had been arrested. I wonder whether our police chief would still be happy for that if he was reminded of the terabytes of pornography being shared on a daily basis.
They even contacted the Interpol or other overseas authorities to obtain the posters' Internet Protocol address or have the obscene articles removed (the articles are still pending for classifications). I think foreign authorities and internet websites have no obligation to comply. Frankly, requesting the addresses of the posters and remove the celebrity photos? They must think we are crazy.
I just hear another laughter at us.
Friday, February 01, 2008
一字一「笑」講你知 香港基佬嘅愛與哀愁
誰伴我 誰是我心魔
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Coffee: Sandwiches, we can't be friends.
New York Times “Starbucks to Close Stores and End Sandwich Sales” 31 January 2008.
“In short, the scent of the warm sandwiches interferes with the coffee aroma in our stores,” said Howard D. Schultz, the company’s chairman and chief executive.
This is why I like Starbucks. At least they make themselves appear that they concentrate on making good coffee.
Thanks Cleave.
Monday, January 28, 2008
明報《專家﹕姊弟戀男方受照顧 自覺公平交易》2008年1月28日
蘋果日報《專家之言:姊弟戀趨普遍 相處仍有壓力》2008年1月28日