Have your brain ready, thanks.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The 23rd day of January, 2006

I was in the same coffee shop as I was in last month. The surroundings of my table was slightly different today - the giant chess broad has gone, as far as I have noticed. I ordered a slightly smaller cup of the same coffee this time and picked a sofa that looks most comforting.

It was quiet. Ten or so customers were in the spacey room doing various things. A staff came by and cleaned my table. He told me that I can stay there as long as I pleased.

I smiled and nodded a little.

Last month, when I walked into the coffee shop, I knew definitely what I wanted. I was sure what I liked. When I looked over the counter today, I didn't know why I had liked that. I was surprised when I took the first sip of the drink - even the flavour of the drink was different, more bitter than it used to. I am desperate to know what has changed. Is it the surrounding or is it just me?

I am officially confused.

#  #  #

I miss my bro already.