Have your brain ready, thanks.




What"s on my mind lately

Saturday, September 29, 2007


CSCS asks for blood donation


Thursday, September 27, 2007






之後又攞咗兩件月餅嚟食,幾好幾好。遺憾嘅係冇汽水,如果有嘢冰凍嘅汽水就 fit 哂啦。









Wednesday, September 26, 2007






因為電子郵件從軟件送出時,只是由用戶端的電郵伺服器接受,也就是 "accepted for delivery",此後,用戶無從得知對方是否會收到該電郵。這種測試方法無知、可笑。


Monday, September 24, 2007

This is crazy talking

I read a blog post by Wil Shipley (who write programs for Delicious Monster). I found it deeply touching, especially near the end, about the feeling of losing everything he loves. Also the question "is genius linked with craziness?" is inspirational, I have given a few thoughts on it, those who understand me should know.

In the last three paragraphs, what he described sounds amazingly familiar.

Fortunately I have never been diagnosed as suffered from depression. Or I should say I haven't been depressed enough to qualify the medical definition of a person suffering depression. It hasn't caused enough impact to my life. If I am not qualified to claim this feeling of mine as depressed, what else can I call it? Sad? It is not sad - I'm not saying that sad is not involved, but it is only part of it.

I have always admired those who have never feel depressed, whose life looked so cheerful, friends never in shortage.

And My heart goes to those who are depressed. I never could imagine how I could endure the hopelessness and everything this brings. I know friends who suffered from depression and I don't know what I could do... there is nothing I can do.

I can't help myself either.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A trip to the Island

After the show I took the tram to Causeway Bay. I actually think it is where many cute guys hang around (of course there are MK guys who migrated to Causeway Bay for no reasons, but anyway we pretend they didn't exist anyway). I looked like a slightly over-sized boy who don't care very much about how he looks. Sometimes I feel that a guy is looking at my direction, I always think they find me weird or something. I seldom looked at myself in the mirror, too afraid to see horrible thing. (Is that me!?)

Causeway Bay is not for me. I can't remember if I found myself comfortable in this place... nor any place, then it is not the problem of Causeway Bay after all.

I went to Times Square and collected a box of Häagen-Dazs ice-cream moon cake. Delicious. Also picked up a Starbucks drink a few levels up. The barista seemed confused when I ordered, and what I ordered isn't complicated - just plain iced tall latte. Is there something wrong with my pronunciation? I knew that I have some pronunciation problem but people can hear what I said no matter how I say it, what a nice place this is.



2-4/11, 6-8/11 8pm
4/11 3pm
$195 $165 ($150 $100)


瘋女社Yesterday night I knew from 萊斯's blog that there is a theatre show at Shouson Theatre today, and the show in the afternoon would be the last. I suddenly felt interested in it because, well I have basically nothing to do today and all of my close friends are either busy or have their own dates. Today morning I read that they lowered the price and I called Anthony (a guy who is responsible for the show's ticketing) and got tickets from him directly. I got so lucky this time for buying tickets late.

I arrived with only a few minutes to spare. I don't have much time to read the programme and I don't know much about who would appear in the show. What I did know is that 彭秀慧 was the director to the show, and I liked her 《再見不再見》 a lot, and this is the primary reason why I went there. The show today was 《瘋女社》. It is a musical theatre.

The scriptwriter of the show was 茜利妹 and this came a bit of surprise to me. (I really didn't know beforehand! I'm out-dated, as always.) 葉宇澄, 葉佩雯 and 李卓庭 appeared (the later two of which I haven't heard of :p) and sung a few songs, also 梁祖堯 who appeared in a video recording (full of gags, though looked inspirational).

The musical wasn't the most enjoyable I have been to, but it certainly was not bad. The music suited the mood and theme of the musical (a little bit crazy, exaggerated) and they were good. The songs (note the difference in "music" and "songs") didn't fit so much IMHO. The reason for this might just be that I can't hear the lyrics clearly and so I didn't really know if the meaning fitted. I did like some of the songs though, especially some rock and roll and the emotional kind near the end.

I especially like how they lifted the a piece of set decoration to reveal a small room full of carton boxes and Yip playing a piano, accompanied by a plant with no leaves and tall lamp. Still can't hear the lyrics - my fault. If only I could hear them more clearly then that should have been a touching scene. This kind of presentation reminded me of 馴情記 actually, in which the stage elevated to reveal a fully grown plant appeared earlier on. It makes me feel that something (eg feeling) is already there most of the time, it is just that we didn't aware it is there.

I'd have to say the show isn't very much inspirational for me. Maybe it is because I don't get it, or that they are expressing some feelings I haven't felt before and so I don't understand. This happens all the time. I do get a glimpse of it, maybe I'll discover something more later on.

I also liked some dance (can't think of a better word). One scene featuring all mentally ill patents and those who are sane doing a little dance, like a crazy dance. Everything looked random but it was enjoyable to watch.

iPhone as it is now

Not good.

I saw an iPhone yesterday in person. I was not looking for it on purpose. I was waiting for a taxi and a couple a few metres from me said, "It is already connected to the Internet." Looking at the voice's direction, I saw something shiny, prestige maybe. Nevertheless a women held the little baby and she looked clueless. Moron.

Speaking of which the taxi never came, I took the light bus.

Maybe it is because of Ming Pao's coverage of the phone and the SimLock hack, people start noticing the phone and flock to Mong Kok and buy one. Anyway the iPhone is a great device, and no device on the market packed so much technologies in one thing. (except for N90, but it doesn't look gorgeous and it doesn't have the touch screen)

But there are something I do not like about the iPhone as it is now. It is too popular. Using something so popular is not consistent with my style.

Secondly and more importantly, it is a close system. It looks like Apple is not trying to build a platform, they just want to build a device. iPhone is not like a Mac that everyone is free to build software and even install another operating systems on it. One cannot install anything on the iPhone though. Apple dictated what you can do with it. I still don't get comfortable with the idea that I can only do what some people allowed me to do, especially as the device is a piece of hardware I paid for. I can do whatever I wanted with it. This is worse than Windows Mobile - they have a platform and people can develop things around it. With iPhone, Apple ditched the long supporting Mac developers and destoryed the trust that Mac developers can build good software. (iPhone runs on Mac OS X with its ARM processor.)

And this is just the beginning. If you looked closely, Apple put so much restrictions on the device and it is even more restrictive than other mobile phones on the market. You cannot put your ringtones on it. (Officially, I mean, Hong Kong doesn't have her on iTunes store.) You cannot connect the device to the computer and expect the file system to be accessible from the computer. And finally, you cannot use it with the carrier of your choosing.

Bundling the phone with the carrier is the stupidity that Americans get used to. People in other parts of the world don't do it the same way. If the phone is bundled with 3 Hong Kong, I won't even think about buying it, unless there is still a way to unlock the phone by then and it won't void the warranty. Speaking of carrier choices in Hong Kong, Apple should choose China Mobile Peoples - because they are the only carrier in Hong Kong that still lives in the Jurassic era and operates EDGE.

The idea that Apple is starting to rot is circulating on the blogosphere. I worried this might just be the case.

When did the 911 attack take place?

Thursday, September 20, 2007


心跳 如今確是奇妙







Tuesday, September 18, 2007



I'm super fed up! - 印象頗深刻的一句。

深刻的也有一幕戲 - 《與神對話》。





仲有呀,我同朋友都覺得嗰個買 KFC 嘅仔仔好得呀好鍾意。都話我唔係淨係去睇腹肌囉!


Monday, September 17, 2007








Sunday, September 16, 2007


荒廢了這個網誌一段時間,這就是網誌的 period,總是每隔一段時間就完全喪失了寫文字的興緻,喪失了還有表達自己的感覺的衝動。



Sunday, September 02, 2007



