Have your brain ready, thanks.

Monday, January 02, 2006



起床,用了幾個小時看完 AppleScript: The Definitive Guide。AppleScript 就是一種語法特別的電腦語言,就好像英語一樣。

tell application "Finder" to set name of file "A" to "B"

就是叫一個程式,去將一個叫作 "A" 的檔案改為叫作 "B"。原來的計劃是可以用法文或日文來寫的,後來取消了,很有意思。



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As usual, the news reported new year celebrations around the world. The celebration at Times Square, New York City is a must-have. This year, I will know which step I should take.

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I HATE Xanga. Really. How can it just disclose people's secrets that easily? I am sure it is a bug somewhere in the system that makes it happened. I can do nothing but to let the leaked, leak.

I should consider moving to other weblog sites. LiveJournal, Blogger, whatever.

I also hate those knew without telling me, and they know that I can find out who.