Have your brain ready, thanks.

Sunday, October 30, 2005



今日演算法的堂上出現了一名不速之客,一名上年度於同一學科取得 A 級成績的同學再臨今年的課堂。雖然我也是再臨這個課堂之學生之一,但與之不同的是我上年這科取得 F 級的成績,乃是本人大學生涯第一個,並且相信是最後一個 F,或許這 4 個積點就是我與他一直相隔甚遠的原因。無論如何,他的出現絕對會得到蔡教授的注意,這是上堂前已經可以預見的事,相信他亦明瞭。不知道他這個高姿態的出現,其他在場的二年級同學有甚麼感想,我只知道自己很不好受。

下午終於見 Elisa,向他介紹了一下我與他的進展。上半段的簡介都只有我在說,開始感到有點奇怪,拍檔請不要太靜吧!幸好下半段他開始說一下自己的意見了,壓力一下了減少了。這份功課終於出現一點點的曙光了,可惜這點光好像來得有一點遲,現在只餘下一個月的時間。天呀!我可以做甚麼呢?


Speaking about the college project presentation, we did something crazy today. One task of the project is to download the front pages of the three free newspapers from their website. Most people would simply view the newspaper and then capture a screen shot to get the images. We computer science students aren't satisfied with that, we actually reverse engineered how the newspaper viewer works and downloaded the images. To accomplish that, three students (two actually, not including me) used more than 3 to 4 hours. We should use that time to do more meaningful things in fact.

晚上去嘉年華,和一班 CSers 玩了一會兒。Ivan 的攤位買串燒,太約五六元一串,比起其他的攤位貴一倍,如果不是因為朋友要支持一下,其實不會亂花錢在那裡買零食。這個萬人空巷的場面又另我想起上年這個時候的事。